Waves of Love International exists to help people experience and express more love in their lives.

Send out a Free Digital "Waves of Love"™ to Someone You Love Now

The Waves of Love Story

At age 16, a young nature photographer, Jared Weintraub captured an image he calls "Half Heart" at the world-famous "Wedge" in Newport Beach, California. After editing, he created the "Waves of Love™" image with two waves forming a perfect heart and gifted it to his dad for Father's Day. From this gift of "heart-centered art", a global community and heart-centered movement have emerged.

Half Heart - The Wedge, Newport Beach, CA 2016 - Jared Weintraub Photography

"Half Heart"

The Wedge, Newport Beach, CA 2016

Waves of Love - born on fathers day 2016 - Jared Weintraub Photography

"Waves of Love"

Born on Father's Day, 2016

Artist with his Dad - Jared and Stuart Weintraub

The Artist with his Dad

Jared and Stuart Weintraub


Waves of Love International exists to help people experience and express more love in their lives.

Who We Are

WOLI is a global community, social media movement, and producer of WOLI-FEST, a heart-centered conscious music festival. We understand love as a verb and a spiritual intentional vibrational life force energy that vibrates at a frequency of 528 Hz.

What We Do

Through online workshops, transformational travel healing retreats, and private energy healing sessions, "Heart-Centered Art" and Fine Art, we help individuals , families, communities, companies experience and express more love.

We believe that when enough people exude love, we can have peace between all countries on earth.

The Waves of Love Healing Method™

Experience the healing energy of Love in the form of Reiki, as it is channelled through Reiki Master and Shamanic Energy Healer, Stu Weintraub

Stu offers experiential and exclusive one day healing journeys in Calistoga and San Diego, CA.

About The Founder

As a shamanic and Reiki Master Healer, Stu Weintraub created The Waves of Love Healing Method™ which helps people get unblocked to the most powerful force on earth... Love. His private energy healing sessions, workshops and retreats help thousands of people to live authentically and vulnerably from their hearts.

Stu Weintraub is a Creative Visionary, Social Impact Entrepreneur and a Shamanic Energy Healer in private practice in La Costa, CA. His TEDx Talk, "The True Costs of Divorce" and upcoming book, The Heart of Divorce are changing hearts and minds around the country. He is the Founder of The Center for Child-Safe Divorce (501c3) which offers parents resources and professional referrals to help "Keep Kids Out of the Crossfire". and corporate leaders lead from their hearts.

Healing the World Through Heart-Centered Art

What the World Needs Now is Love

The Waves of Love Movement

There is a huge wave sweeping over our country, and the world.. It's not a tsunami that will cause mass chaos and destruction. In fact, its invisible and it's vibrating at a frequency of 528 Hz. It's a wave of Love and it's available to anyone who is open to receive it, experience it, and exude it out to others... Through our non profit Waves of Love Foundation, (501c3) we offer sponsored postcard campaigns that "send out waves of love" to those in need.  

  • One Million “Waves of Love” images shared on WOLI social media platforms via Instagram and Facebook.
  • Millions of hand-written “Waves of Love” postcards sent out by school children to pen pals and people they love.
  • Every Fortune One Thousand company purchasing a minimum of two COVID Relief Collectors Edition “Waves of Love” fine art pieces. They display one in their headquarters, and the other one, is gifted to a valued employee, vendor, client, or other member of the community who has been negatively impacted by Covid-19, or donated to the charity of their choice for auction.
  • Waves of Love - Music and Fun-Surfing Festival slated for summer 2021

"Waves of Love" image Copyright © 2020 Jared Weintraub Photography. Licensed by Waves of Love International - All Rights Reserved

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